Who Are We Our Vision & Mission Statements Vision Engage a generation of young people to develop within them a … Curiosity … for the world Concern … for the world Confidence … to effect change in the world Mission Leverage tennis as a vehicle to train young people’s … Eyes … to see the world Minds … to engage the world Feet … to go to the world Hands … to change the world Our Team Tolu AdeleyeExecutive Director Tolu Adeleye is currently the volunteer (unpaid) Executive Director of AJTAI and a member of the Board of Directors. Mr. Adeleye is a certified public accountant (CPA) [status: inactive], with professional background in management consulting, investment banking and taxation. Justin JenningsDirector and Chief Operating Officer Justin Jennings is an unpaid member of the Board of Directors and currently serves as Chief Operating Officer of AJTAI. Mr. Jennings is a former tennis and rugby professional, who has spent the last two decades dedicating his life to developing the next generation of tennis players across three continents. Christina GonzagaDirector Christina Gonzaga is an unpaid member of the Board of Directors. Dr. Gonzaga provides AJTAI with organizational and community relations strategy. Dr. Gonzaga is a physician specializing in physical medicine… Seema GuptaDirector Seema Gupta is an unpaid member of the Board of Directors. Ms. Gupta provides AJTAI with organizational and marketing strategy. Ms. Gupta is a Marketer for a medical device manufacturer, with a professional background with management consulting, 2 start-up companies, e-Learning, and numerous international launches. She is also an aspiring tennis player. Ms. Gupta has a long history of community service and philanthropy as she is currently the Co-Chair of the Philanthropy group and former Chair of Society of Women Engineers for her employer, a Fortune 500 company. She earned a Masters degree in Biomedical Engineering and a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Jeff MilkieDirector Jeff Milkie is an unpaid member of the Board of Directors. Mr. Milkie provides AJTAI direction on organizational, financial and fundraising strategies. A former college basketball athlete, Mr. Milkie is a sports and fitness enthusiast. Jim LutzLicensed architect Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin nisi ante, pharetra vel mollis sit amet, mattis vel risus. Aenean interdum felis non est sodales pellentesque. Quisque eros diam, pellentesque vel nibh ut, facilisis luctus odio. Morbi pharetra tortor et sagittis dictum. Donec sit amet pulvinar dolor. Nam in orci hendrerit orci faucibus ultricies id et turpis. Integer lacinia condimentum iaculis. Vivamus sit amet sagittis purus, eget tincidunt ex. Manel SelmiAdvisor Manel Selmi is an unpaid adviser to the board. Ms Manel was born in Tunisia and is a pharmacist by training. She mainly joined the organization because of her passion for Africa and developing children’s soft skills. She leverages her professional and cultural background to provide guidance and counsel to the board. Why we believe Unparalleled After-School Program in Africa >500 after school tennis programs in the US1 None, on record, in Africa Innovative way to expand opportunity and bring hope Pervasive Hunger to Learn and Self-Improve Nigerian schools are festooned with eager and willing students Rigorous academic system, but characterized by rote learning Opportunity to bring creativity to learning process Enthusiastic Support from Government and Citizens State and local government have given verbal and written endorsements Federal government has given blessing Already engaging with potential students (in Nigeria) on Social Media Address AJ Tennis Academy Internationalc/o Tolu Adeleye2900 Thomas Ave SApt 1906Minneapolis, MN 55416 Email tadeleye@ajtennisacademy.com Phone +1 410 952 2877 FollowFollowFollowFollow